until You come to me. is a Japanese animated short directed by Tadashi Hiramatsu with art direction and illustrations by Tatsuya Kushida. The short was broadcast online on the Japan Animator ExpoWP website on 19 December 2014. The short is accompanied by a version of "Danny Boy" by Shirō Sagisu. It is intended to showcase the talent of new khara staff, and isn't related to the story of the Rebuild of Evangelion film series.
- Original Work: Hideaki Anno
- Direction: Tadashi Hiramatsu
- Art Direction: Tatsuya Kushida
- Layout: Hideaki Anno, Tadashi Hiramatsu, Tatsuya Kushida
- Key animation: Tadashi Hiramatsu
- Editor: Hidemi Li
- Music: Shiro Sagisu
- Color: Kazuko Kikuchi
- Effects: Nanae Hirabayashi
- Infographics: Daisuke Onitsuka, Fumihiro Shikano, Takumi Shigyo
- Producer: Tomoyuki Ogata