Transformers Mode “EVA” (トランスフォーマー×エヴァンゲリオン?) is a crossover of TransformersWP and Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo. It was a series of online short web novels with some illustrations that was released in four episodes between 23 May 2014 and 25 November 2014. A toy was also released exclusively at the TakaraTomy Mall website, limited to 1,000 copies of MP-10 Convoy Mode "EVA" with support parts colored in the NERV color scheme, as well as three recolors and retools of Transformers Hello Kitty (which is a retool of Transformers Q Optimus Prime) into Unit-00, Unit-01 and Unit-02.
An Angel appears and the Autobots come to Earth to investigate a energy disturbance. The Autobots arrive in Sky Lynx, where they are to help take down the Angel, Optimus Prime swears he will not allow another disaster like the Second Impact to happen again.
The NERV operations director, Misato Katsuragi, is bemused by the Autobots.
However, then the ghostly spark of Starscream, who was killed by Galvatron in the Unicron Wars, ends up possessing an Angel, with both becoming a fused form named "Angel"-scream. With his newfound power, Starscream threatens to destroy the Autobots, Optimus Prime in particular.
In response to this confusing sequence of events, Misato Katsuragi gives the order for EVA-01 to be activated, and Tokyo-3 shifts to deploy the Evangelion unit.
Confronted with EVA-01, Optimus Prime recognizes it as not the robot that it appears to be, but a life form. The Autobot leader scans EVA-01 and grows in size to match the Evangelion unit, also acquiring its colors in the process. The entire situation only serves to further confuse Misato and the NERV staff.
As Optimus Prime battles "Angel"-scream, the Matrix of Leadership within his chest glows red like an Angel's core, but with luster of a new kind of life. The battle of the ages is just beginning!
The Angel-enhanced Starscream is shocked at Optimus Prime's new "Mode EVA" body. The other Autobots also have their own observations of surprise to share, and an anxious Sideswipe worries about the scan's effect on their commander. Optimus Prime assures his comrades that he is feeling all right, when in reality he feels an odd sensation, as if he is carrying another life force within his body.
The two giants fire volleys at each other and Optimus Prime defends the EVA-01 from Starscream's attack, but he suddenly finds his own barrage mysteriously blocked by an energy barrier, which Misato, observing from NERV headquarters, recognizes as the A.T. Field of the Angels. Starscream finds this power alluring, pondering if he could use it against Galvatron. But, first, he plans to make up for years of resentment against Optimus Prime and lunges at him with his claws, following up with blasts from his null-rays. Wheeljack is alarmed by this turn of events and is soon contacted by Misato through radio waves. Misato informs Wheeljack that their EVA is immobile at the moment, and they are putting all of their hopes onto Optimus to destroy the Angel-Decepticon threat.
The Autobots attempt to come to their commander's aid, but are repelled by both Starscream's size and A.T. Field. Taking a different strategy, Bumblebee drives around Starscream's feet and dares him to catch the tiny Autobot. The Angel-Decepticon tries to give chase, but his unfamiliarity with his new form makes the attempt awkward. Misato helps by ordering the city's geometry to change, throwing Starscream further off balance. Seizing the moment, Optimus Prime charges the red energy from his core into his Energy Axe, slicing it through Starscream's A.T. Field, much to the Decepticon's surprise. The axe continues until it hits the Angel's core, expelling Starscream's screaming ghost into the void and causing the Angel to die as the core bleeds out red liquid.
Hours later, Optimus Prime has returned to his normal size and is at a NERV military camp, where Nerv technicians have renovated Optimus Prime's trailer to serve as a mobile maintenance facility for "Optimus Prime-Eva". The united Autobot-NERV forces realize that more Decepticons and Angels will surely come, and Optimus Prime will stand ready to defend Earth against both threats. Misato arrives in Bumblebee's altmode as she acknowledges his words, but can only look at the Transformer with both anxiety and expectation...
- Evangelion Unit-01
- Optimus Prime Mode: EVA
- In the Transformers series, this story takes place in the universe of Primax 514.23 Iota, according to the "Ask Vector Prime" storyline.
- When Tokyo-3 transforms, Optimus Prime compares it to Metroplex, a giant city-sized Transformer.
- The Unicron Wars and Starscream’s off-screen death at the hands of Galvatron is a reference to Transformers: The MovieWP; however, Wheeljack and Optimus Prime are shown to be alive in this story while both were killed in the original film, implying that events that were similar to the film happened here.
- The Angel that Starcream possessed, judging from the artwork of the first chapter, is the Fourth Angel.
- Optimus Prime sensed Unit-01 as a living being through his Matrix of Leadership, which could be because of the Evangelion's organic origin or the fact that he could be sensing Yui Ikari's soul from inside it.
- He refers it as a "primevil call", which is a reference to the Japanese title of the Transformers Generation One TV episode "Call of the Primitives" and the Evangelion Units' origin from Second Angel Lilith.
- Starscream uses his iconic null-rays on Optimus Prime and Unit-01 (which were introduced in the Generation One TV series) that can disable or destroy machinery, which could explain why Unit-01 got easily disabled from the attack.
- Misato is the only human character from the Rebuild of Evangelion film series to appear in this story (aside from random background characters), while Asuka, Shinji, and Rei or anyone else from the cast does not appear and is not mentioned or even implied.
- It is unknown if Evangelion Unit-01 was piloted remotely or by Shinji off-screen and inside of it in this story.
- In the world of Transformers, the Decepticon Sideways would use a A.T Field in the "Ask Vector Prime/TransTech" storyline to block out security from his base before it went down after having his head explode.
- In the original Japanese text the characters go by their Japanese names, but for this page on this wiki we will go by their English names for localization reasons.
- "Angel"-scream was called "Apostle"-scream, since the Angels were named the Apostles in Japan.
- The Followed went by their Japanese localization name of the Following.
- Optimus Prime went by his Japanese localization name of Convoy.
- Bumblebee went by his Japanese localization name of Bumble.
- Sideswipe went by his Japanese localization name of Lambor.
- Metroplex (who was mentioned in the story) was called Scramble City.
- Wheeljack, Sky Lynx, and Galvatron (the latter of whom was also mentioned in the story) still went by their Western names since they were not given different names in Japan.
- The Autobots went by their Japanese localization name of the Cybertrons.
- The Decepticons went by their Japanese localization name of the Destrons.
External Links[]
- Official Website (Archived)
- Mohair Translations (Archived)
- Transformers Wiki
- Translation on the Transformers Wiki