
It's A Miraculous Win (奇跡の勝ちは, Kiseki no kachi wa?) is a series of manga written and illustrated by Koume Yoshida based on CR Evangelion pachinko machines. It was released in fourteen volumes from 2006 to 2015 by Schola Magazine and later in E-Book format by 奇跡の勝ちは.


It is set in a world where Evangelion is a fictional franchise, and the main character is an "Office Lady", aged 24, called Sakura Mogami (最上さくら, Mogami Sakura?) who loves to play Evangelion themed pachinko. She is a lively but clumsy young woman, defined by her obsession with everything Evangelion-related, and owns multiple Evangelion merchandise.

This is a light comedy manga that follows Sakura's misadventures and daily suffering as an obsessed Evangelion fan, as she frequently reminisces over scenes from the anime series, and even relives some of them in daily life. She also works with several people that happen to look exactly like some Evangelion cast members like Ritsuko, and her boss, who looks like Fuyutsuki. Mogami herself cosplays Rei and Asuka, and has a design similar to Gunbuster's Noriko. Notably, Mogami dates a pachinko parlor employee who looks exactly like Kaworu. She seems to be designed as a sort of self-insert character for female fans, parodying their own lives in a sort of wish-fulfillment setting that resembles the real world.


Volume Japan Cover
Publication Date ISBN
Volume 1 - 最上さくらの出玉補完計画 奇跡の勝ちは 20 October 2006 ISBN 978-4-915450-88-4
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V01
Volume 2 - 出玉暴走編 05 October 2007 ISBN 978-4-86298-011-3
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V02
Volume 3 - さくら覚醒編 17 July 2008 ISBN 978-4-86298-023-6
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V03
Volume 4 - 新生編 30 January 2009 ISBN 978-4-86298-039-7
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V04
Volume 5 - ユニゾン編 16 October 2009 ISBN 978-4-86298-044-1
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V05
Volume 6 - 最後のシ者編 18 December 2009 ISBN 978-4-86298-048-9
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V06
Volume 7 - 終結の園編 21 May 2010 ISBN 978-4-86298-050-2
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V07
Volume 8 - 奇跡の勝ちは 〜福音編〜 19 November 2010 ISBN 978-4-86298-053-3
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V08
Volume 9 - 殲滅編 22 July 2011 ISBN 978-4-86298-065-6
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V09
Volume 10 - シンクロ編 27 January 2012 ISBN 978-4-86298-072-4
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V10
Volume 11 - ビースト編 14 December 2012 ISBN 978-4-86298-088-5
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V11
Volume 12 - 迎撃編 March 2013 ISBN 978-4-86298-104-2
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V12
Volume 13 - 斬撃編 19 December 2014 ISBN 978-4-86298-151-6
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V13
Volume 14 - 希望編 18 September 2015 ISBN 978-4-86298-165-3
It's A Miraculous Win Cover V14



External Links[]

