
This article has a collection of images to further represent its content. To see its gallery, visit Evangelion Unit 8+2/Gallery.

Evangelion Unit 8+2 (エヴァンゲリオン8+2号機, Hachi Tasu Nigōki?) (Unit Eight + Two) is a Evangelion unit that appears in the preview for Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time that was attached to the ending of Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo.


Evangelion Unit 8+2 is an unconventionally produced Evangelion that appears to contain components from the recently destroyed Evangelion Unit-02'β, although it seems to be made mostly from Evangelion Unit-08β. Close examination of the Unit reveals that what initially appears to be half of Unit-02'β's body stuck into half of Unit-08β's. It is actually Unit-08β's body, half of which is painted in Unit-02'β's colours. The remains of Unit-02'β's head seen at the end of 3.0 have been grafted onto Unit-08β's head, giving it a rather odd appearance.

The exact nature and capabilities of Evangelion Unit 8+2 are currently unknown, although it appears to be extremely capable in close-range combat. It is possible that combining parts from the ruined Unit-02'β with the mostly intact Unit-08β has given the Eva unspecified benefits or improved its abilities to a degree. There is speculation that the unit may utilize a Double-Entry System.

The Evangelion colour scheme is a combination of Unit-08β's colour scheme and Unit-02's colour scheme, divided down the middle. As the Unit is constructed from the intact body of Unit-08β, its armor configuration and the position of the green lights across the surface of its armor is identical to that of Unit-08β. However, it appears that the left shoulder pylon has been replaced by one of Unit-02'β's shoulder pylons. The right side of the Evangelion head is the same as that of Unit-08; however, the left side appears to have been recovered from Unit-02'β and features two of Unit-02'β's monitor eyes, as well as half of the crescent-shaped armour piece on its forehead. The split between the two halves is abrupt, giving rise to the misconception that the bodies of the two Evangelion were completely combined, when in reality it appears that only the head has been excessively modified. The jawpiece of the helmet also appears to have been modified somewhat.


Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo[]

In the preview for Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time, Evangelion Unit 8+2 is seen in the ruins of Tokyo-3, fighting an army of Evangelion Mark.06 with green coloration. It appears to be equipped with a Magorox Sword during the battle. Unit 8+2 succeeds in cutting down several green colored Evangelion Mark.06, as well as defeating some in close-combat. The preview ends with a sword less 8+2 leaping into the air, revealing a massive group of Mass Production Evangelions producing several enormous A.T. Fields around the fallen Black Moon.


  • According to Ikuto Yamashita, the post credit scene where it shows the Evangelion Unit 8+2, the design and the content of it were the result of a class with the animator Ichiro ItanoWP as mentor in the studio khara 3D CG group.[1]
  • In the new preview exhibited after 3.333, the scene where Unit 8+2 shows is omitted in favor of a content appropriate preview.
  • It is given a status as a phantom Evangelion, since it appears in merchandising but not in the actual film, just like Evangelion Unit-04.


  • As the preview of Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time, Evangelion 3.0+1.0 AVANT 1 – 0706 Ver. shows, it is likely that the development of Evangelion Unit 8+2 was altered in the film in favor of both new designs of Evangelions Unit-08 β-ICC and the New Unit-02α, curiously the idea of the damaged Unit-02'β is fused with Jet Alone, instead of Unit-08β.
  • On April 19, 2021, Ikuto Yamashita] revealed several proposals to the design of Unit 8 + 2 (written as 2 + 8) in the images.[2]
Evangelion Unit 8 + 2 Beast mode
    • One of the designs shows a dinosaur like using a large sword, most likely being a beast mode of the design.
    • Another design shows a redesigned version of Unit-02 with the bottom similar to the design of Evangelion Provisional Unit-05 with more additions to the design.[3]
Evangelion Unit 8 + 2 Concept Design 3
Unit-08 Beam Cannon Ikuto

Beam Cannon

  • On March 29, 2023, Ikuto Yamashita revealed that the Shoulder pylon of Evangelion Unit 8+2 was supposed to have a Beam Cannon attached to it, being a fixed weapon but did not go beyond the animation test.[5]
  • On May 2023, Studio Khara posted a screenshot on Twitter of an early CG layout for the 'Neon Genesis' scene in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time. This screenshot reveals that both Unit-04 and all variations of Unit-08 (including Unit 8+2) were originally considered for the scene, though none of the Mark.04 or Mark.44 series outside of Evangelion Mark.04A were included.

External Links[]


  1. https://twitter.com/ikuto_yamashita/status/1385253460199677954
  2. https://twitter.com/ikuto_yamashita/status/1384268646583717892
  3. https://twitter.com/ikuto_yamashita/status/1384302368158674949
  4. https://twitter.com/ikuto_yamashita/status/1384302368158674949
  5. https://twitter.com/ikuto_yamashita/status/1641076367382155266 今更どうでもいい話ですが、流れたこの2+8号機の傾斜した肩パイロン、実はビーム砲で、アニメエヴァ初の固定火器案をを通し損ねたのでした。(ゲームまで含めるとF型初号機にATフィールドの位相差雷電をぶつけるインパクトボルトがある。エヴァANIMAにも登場