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Evangelion Unit-0.0 Mutant (0-0エヴァ用廃機・カトル?) (localized as Mutant EVA-0.0 in Seven Seas edition) is an Evangelion unit that appears in Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA novels. This Unit was initially piloted by Rei Quatre, then Rei Trois and Kaji-vessel. It was one of the Evangelion Unit-0.0 that was altered by mental pollution and subsequently altered by it.


This Evangelion unit was built from parts of the Mass Production Evangelions and Evangelion Unit-00. Its armor once sported the yellow and white color scheme but the white altered to a darker color. The external S² Engine is now fused into the unit, leaving its auxiliary cables dangling behind the unit. [1]

After the mind contamination of Rei Quatre, her EVA0.0 (Quatre) appeared to have been modified, using now a Q.R. Signum (located in its chest) as a gateway to energy from Armaros.

The head antenna design was also altered due to the mental pollution into a shape that somewhat resembles a sword, in contrast to other Evangelion Unit-0.0 models.[2]


The unit once was part of the "Sword of Damocles" network system in order to execute Anti-Angel search-and-destroy operations from space.

The inner insides and architecture itself were modified by the presence of the Q.R. Signum, making it different than the other Unit-0.0, as it operates autonomously without a pilot when needed, following voice commands.

The Angel Carrier Type-3 shot down by the Unit-00 Type F fell to Earth at the southern outskirts of Tokyo-3 on the shores of Lake Ashi. The Angel Carrier was without a head or upper chest, one Q.R. Signum had been destroyed and had the other remaining Q.R. Signum somehow intact. Each Q.R. Signums flashed in consonance, the Unit-0.0 Mutant thrusted its gamma-ray laser cannon into the Carrier’s body and started absorbing its remaining material. The disassembled pieces slithered up the cannon’s magnetic convergence guide and melted into the Unit-0.0 Mutant's body. After the process was over, it sprouted the Carrier’s wings, now black in color.[3]


Long-barreled Gamma-ray Laser

The Mutant's long-barreled gamma-ray laser has fused to its right arm due to the mutation, and can be fired without the typical nuclear transmission unit, though due to the fusion it can no longer be released. The canon can be fired every 57 seconds.[4] The laser fired from the canon has a diameter of six-inches and contains four hundred megaelectronvolts of energy, leaving a purple or golden light that can pierce through anything.[5] Additionally, it can create an electromagnetic pulse that can cause malfunctions to various electrical equipment such as data links and sensors. After being hit, the area around the target is covered by a plasma cloud that causes severe electromagnetic interference.[6]


Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA[]

Built from the remains of the collected mass production Evangelions, three Unit-0.0 were made and placed in Earth's orbit in order to protect the world from future angel attacks. After Rei's ability to connect with the orbiting clones was lost, Rei Quatre went rogue and descended to Earth and began to fight the Evangelion Unit-01 Stage 2 Specification. During this conflict the unit landed a fatal blow on Unit-01 with its gamma-ray laser, destroying the S² Organ in the chest, completely vaporizing the entry plug with Shinji inside before leaving the conflict zone.

Rei Quatre, now being controlled by Kaji-vessel continued to use Evangelion Unit-0.0 Mutant to fight against multiple enemies in Volume 2 of the printed version. Eventually it absorbed the Angel Carrier Type-3 wings, now colored black, enabling it to fly.

After the battle in the Valley of human organs in Morocco, North Africa, Rei Trois is sequestrated by Kaji-vessel to be the next pilot of Evangelion Unit-0.0 Mutant, using her in place of Rei Quatre after she was taken by the rescue team sent by Japan to North Africa. Shinji and Rei Quatre fought against Evangelion Unit-0.0 Mutant in the Core's Apple in a damaged Super Evangelion infused with a Q.R. Signum.[7]


  • Evangelion 0.0[Quatre] features a dual seated cockpit similar to Evangelion 13 in Rebuild of Evangelion. The unit has been manned with two Rei clones, Rei Quatre and Shinji, and finally Rei Quatre and Kaji.
  • It was briefly called Victor One. The Victor designation was assigned to unknown figures by the Magi system of NERV Japan. Enemies detected visually were designated V, or Victor. And any detected by radar were assigned R, or Romeo.[8]

