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Evangelion Mark.12 (EVANGELION Mark.12?) is an Evangelion Unit belonging to the Rebuild of Evangelion film series. It appears in the movie Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time. Mark.12 is the Master of the NHG Gebet and is one of the remaining Adams. Like the other Vessel of the Adams, the Mark.12 is piloted by the Advanced Ayanami Series.


Official name

Evangelion Mark.12 shares the design of the Vessel of the Adams units with the distinct coloring of silver and black and two extra lines on the left of its face mask to show the Roman numerals for 12 (XII). Like the other Vessel of the Adams, a small SEELE insignia can be seen on the Mark 12's forehead.


Mark.12 (Along with the other Vessel of the Adams) does not have a A.T. Field. It has the ability to produce a halo below or behind it to levitate. It also possess the ability to open its masks to fire beams of light.


Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time[]

Mark.12 is seen alongside Evangelion Mark.10 and Evangelion Mark.11 on the crystal peaks of the NHG Erlösung as the three units corner Unit-08γ. After Unit-08y's attack and subsequent overlapping of Mark.10 and Mark.11, Mark.12 is seen cowering in defense. While its defeat is never show, Unit-08γ later appears with all four halos indicating it had overlapped Mark.12 as well and uses the beam power acquired to sinks the 3 NERV ships.

It is last seen as it vanishes from the world, inside the Unit-08γ as part of the Final Evangelion.


  • The White decals correspond to those on the NHG Erlösung, since it is the master of the airship. This color also corresponds to Conquest, one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse as shown in the 1887 paintingWP by Viktor VasnetsovWP.[citation needed]

