Evangelion: Hakata Angel Attack Alternative (エヴァンゲリオン 使徒、博多襲来?) was a special animation exhibited in the B1F Sun Plaza Stage, three times a day (19:00, 20:00 and 21:00) from 01 June 2019 to 15 October 2020, Fukuoka. It is an animation that is projected on the building with the usage of video projection, music, water fountain and light. It is a collaboration between the khara studio and Canal Aqua Panorama. It was produced by khara and Project Studio Q. [1] [2]
The Fourth Angel is confirmed near the coast of the Genkai Sea, then it attacks the NERV Fukuoka branch of “New Fukuoka City”.[3]Four Evangelion units sorties to intercept the Angel. As the city defenses fires at it, without causing any damage, Asuka appears in her Evangelion Production Model-02 holding a N² missile and charges towards the Angel, but is stopped by the Angel's A.T. Field. Even with the boosters of the missile working, it is not enough and they are halted, causing it to explode, lauching the Evangelion away as it crashed into a building.
Rei Ayanami and Evangelion Proto Type-00' is sent to the battle via the underground tunnels. There she grabs the Positron Cannon and fires at the Angel, breaking the A.T. Field and hurting it. Not long after this, a new face emerges from the Fourth Angel and launches a beam at Rei. Shinji Ikari and Evangelion Test Type-01, holding the Enchanted Shield of Virtue protects her. Misato decides to retreat and orders to destroy the bars holding the city block into the underground. However the Fourth Angel moves quickly in and gets hold of Unit-01 and starts trying to pierce its head with a lance-like bone. Unit-01 reactivates itself and breaks the attacking bone with their teeth. It starts entering the process of Pseudo-Awakening, rising to the skies initiating an Impact event. The Angel launches a beam again but is stopped by Unit-01's A.T. Field, it attempts to get closer in and keeps attacking Unit-01 as the EVA's Field still holds the attack.
Mari and Evangelion Production Model Custom Type-08β appears holding the Spear of Longinus launches it at the dual head of the Fourth Angel, making it fall limp as if it was dead. Unit-01 removes the Spear and pierce the core of the Angel, it quickly recovers and cover Unit-01's body, expanding and shortly exploding and causing a cross-shaped rainbow, indicating the demise of the Angel and also stoping the Impact event.[4]
- Shinji Ikari
- Asuka Shikinami Langley
- Rei Ayanami
- Mari Makinami Illustrious
- Misato Katsuragi
- Maya Ibuki
- Evangelion Proto Type-00'
- Evangelion Test Type-01
- Evangelion Production Model-02
- Evangelion Production Model Custom Type-08β
- General Manager: Hiroyasu Kobayashi
- Director: Koji Aramaki, Yohsuke Chiai
- Screenplay/Storyboard: Daizen Komatsuda
- Genga: Shuichi Iseki
- Douga: Yoshiko Matsumura, Yūka Inada
- Background Art: Yoshikazu Fukutome
- Previz Artists: Kanta Mochida
- Music: Shirō Sagisu
- AR Direction/Voicing: Yō Yamada
- Recording: Haruka Matsushita, Yoshinori Tsurumaki
- Sound Effects: Tōru Noguchi
- Production: Khara inc., Project Studio Q
It was exhibited again from 03 March 2023 to 02 April 2023 in two sessions a day (19:00 and 21:00) on Sun Plaza Stage. It was the first exhibition since the May 2021. [6]
- ↑ https://www.eva-info.jp/5639
- ↑ https://www.khara.co.jp/2019/05/30/cnl_credit/
- ↑ 玄海灘沖に確認された謎の未確認移動物体(使徒)が「シン福岡市」のネルフ福岡支部を襲う。非常事態宣言のもと使徒迎撃へと出撃する4体の汎用ヒト型決戦兵器「エヴァンゲリオン」。しかしながら、想定以上に強力な使徒の力の前に容易には殲滅することができない。そこで、葛城ミサトがとった作戦は3体のエヴァによる連係攻撃。はたして碇シンジをはじめとするエヴァンゲリオンのパイロットたちは使徒を倒せるのか?
- ↑ Evangelion: Hakata Angel Attack Alternative
- ↑ https://www.khara.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/credit.pdf
- ↑ https://www.eva-info.jp/18841