
Drama「After the End」(tentative name) (Drama "Shuukyoku no Tsuzuki" (Kadai), ドラマ「終局の続き」(仮題)?) is an audio drama written and directed by Hideaki Anno included in the Neon Genesis Evangelion Addition album published by King Records Co., Ltd. on 21 December 1996.[1]


A comedic parody in which the reunited cast tries to come up with ways to continue Evangelion when popular demand makes the studio order them to produce a third season even though the TV series ended after a 26 episode run.[2] Presented as a "lost 27th episode", the comedy revolves around the characters breaking the fourth wall, and behaving as if they are really actors who portray the characters on the series while at other times acting as if they are the characters in the series. They try to increase the sex appeal of the series, change the show's format, and try to explain what the Angels actually are. However, when their efforts prove "unsuccessful", they decide to give up on it. Humorous moments of the drama include Rei finally lashing out against Asuka's abuse, the Evangelion pilots being changed to resemble Super Sentai characters, Asuka and Kaworu interacting for the only time in the series, and the cast re-enacting the first episode solely by their own vocal sound effects.


Neon Genesis Evangelion Addition
# TitleArtist(s) Length
1. "Drama "Shuukyoku no Tsuzuki" (Kadai)"  Hideaki Anno 21:34

Voice Cast[]


  • Script, Direction: Hideaki Anno
  • Sound Director: Hideyuki Tanaka
  • Sound Production: Audio Tanaka
  • Effects: Toru Noguchi (Anime Sound)
  • Engineer: Yoshio Obara
  • Studio: TAVAC


A translated video of the audio drama can be seen here:


External Links[]
